Theodore H. Moran
Theodore H. Moran, nonresident senior fellow, has been associated with the Peterson Institute since 1998. He holds the Marcus Wallenberg Chair at the School of Foreign Service in Georgetown University. He is the founder of the Landegger Program in International Business Diplomacy at the university and serves as director there. He also serves as a member of Huawei's International Advisory Council. From 2007 to 2013 he served as Associate to the US National Intelligence Council on international business issues.
His books include Outward Foreign Direct Investment and US Exports, Jobs, and R&D: Implications for US Policy (2013), Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Benefits, Suspicions, and Risks with Special Attention to FDI from China (2013), Foreign Direct Investment and Development: Launching a Second Generation of Policy Research: Avoiding the Mistakes of the First, Reevaluating Policies for Developed and Developing Countries (2011), China's Strategy to Secure Natural Resources: Risks, Dangers, and Opportunities(2010), Three Threats: An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process(2009), Harnessing Foreign Direct Investment for Development: Policies for Developed and Developing Countries (Center for Global Development, 2006),Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development? (coedited with Magnus Blomstrom and Edward Graham, 2005), International Political Risk Management: Exploring New Frontiers (World Bank, 2005), Beyond Sweatshops: Foreign Direct Investment, Globalization, and Developing Countries (Brookings Institution, 2002), and Foreign Investment and Development (1998).
In 1993–94 he was senior adviser for economics on the Policy Planning Staff of the Department of State. He returned to Georgetown University after the North American Free Trade Agreement and Uruguay Round negotiations. He is a consultant to the United Nations, governments in Asia and Latin America, and international business and financial communities. In 2000 he was appointed counselor to the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency of the World Bank Group. In 2002 he was chairman of the Committee on Monitoring International Labor Standards of the National Academy of Sciences.