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Assessing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Volume 2: Innovations in Trading Rules

Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs (PIIE) and Jeffrey J. Schott (PIIE), editors

PIIE Briefings 16-4


On February 4, 2016, the United States and 11 other countries signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an ambitious accord that not only lowers barriers to trade and investment in goods and services but also crafts trading rules and standards in important areas such as intellectual property rights (IPR), state-owned enterprises, digital trade, labor, and environment. Now with the agreement signed, the Obama administration and Congress must work together to draft implementing legislation and resolve outstanding issues that may hold up bipartisan support for the deal. TPP compromises related to IPR, labor, and currency are among the most contentious issues.

In a series of publications the Peterson Institute for International Economics has undertaken an ambitious assessment of the TPP's key issues and outcomes to provide a useful reader's guide to the trade pact and contribute to a more educated public debate over its ratification by the United States and other member countries.

In Volume 1, PIIE scholars analyzed several major market access and sectoral issues in the TPP. In Volume 2, they assess various innovations in trading rules and how TPP provisions build on past practice. TPP rulemaking in new areas could have important implications for future regional deals and the global trading system writ large.



  1. Adjustment and Income Distribution Impacts of the TPP
    Robert Z. Lawrence and Tyler Moran
  2. TPP and the Conflict over Drugs: Incentives for Innovation versus Access to Medicines
    Lee Branstetter
  3. TPP and the Environment
    Jeffrey J. Schott
  4. Labor Standards in the TPP
    Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs
  5. Other New Areas: Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation, Anticorruption, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, and More
    Caroline Freund
  6. TPP and Digital Trade
    Lee Branstetter
  7. Competition Policy
    R. Michael Gadbaw
  8. Commitments on State-Owned Enterprises
    Sean Miner
  9. Dispute Settlement Mechanism 
    Jennifer Hillman
  10. TPP and Exchange Rates 
    C. Fred Bergsten and Jeffrey J. Schott

Data Disclosure:

Data disclosure for chapter 1: Publicly available data are drawn from the Current Population Survey (Bureau of Labor Statistics/Census Bureau) Public Use Microdata, the Consumer Expenditure Survey Public Use Microdata (Bureau of Labor Statistics), and the National Income and Product Accounts (Bureau of Economic Analysis).

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