Carlo Bastasin
Carlo Bastasin was a visiting fellow with the Peterson Institute during 2009-10 as part of a joint program with the Council for the United States and Italy. An economist and a journalist, he is a leading commentator for the Italian daily Il Sole-24 Ore and for German newspapers. Between 1998 and 2005 he was deputy editor-in-chief at La Stampa. Bastasin specializes in research on Europe, Germany, and Italy. He is author of several research papers on European political economy. In Destra e Sinistra - politiche chiuse, economia aperta (2007, Bocconi University Press), he developed the theory of "partisan protectionism." He is a member of and author for several European think tanks and research institutions. Bastasin has received several prizes in journalism (Journalist of the Year 1998, Premiolino 1999, Premio Lingotto 1994, and others). He holds a master's degree in economics from Bocconi University (Milan) and conducted post-lauream research in international monetary theory.