Event Summary
Isabella M. Weber, associate professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, revisits the case for buffer stocks for essential commodities like food staples and energy. Since the economist John Maynard Keynes's interventions at Bretton Woods Conference of 1944, the destabilizing effects of commodity price volatility have been a recurring concern for international economic governance. Weber argues that, similar to central bank policies, virtual and physical buffer stocks could be used to conduct open market operations on commodity markets and pursue price stabilization while also fostering climate change mitigation and adaptation.
A discussion with Cullen Hendrix and Maurice Obstfeld, C. Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow at PIIE, and a Q&A session with the audience will follow, moderated by PIIE president Adam S. Posen.
Adam S. Posen
President, PIIE
Maurice Obstfeld
C. Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow, PIIE
Cullen S. Hendrix
Senior Fellow, PIIE
Isabella M. Weber
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Event Materials
Presentation: Cullen Hendrix (186.89 KB)Document
Presentation: Maurice Obstfeld (499.09 KB)Document
Presentation: Isabella M. Weber (6.06 MB)