PIIE presents "How to Fix Economic Inequality? An Overview of Policies for High-Income Economies"

The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) today launched a digital guide on "How to Fix Economic Inequality? An Overview of Policies for the United States and Other High-Income Economies," drawing together research from the world's leading experts on inequality trends and causes within countries and offering a broad range of policy options to mitigate the growing divide.   

For decades, the gap between the rich and poor in high-income economies has been expanding, particularly in the United States. The lowest earners were being left behind before COVID-19 hit, but the twin shocks of an acute health crisis and a global recession are widening divisions, raising moral, social, economic, and political challenges.

PIIE's new microsite studies this rise of inequality over 50 years and examines how policy failures have left millions vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. It offers recommendations from specialists to rebuild more equal societies, covering areas such as tax policy, education and safety net expansion, income support, and health care.

The guide builds on the ground-breaking global 2019 Peterson Institute conference "Combating Inequality" organized by Olivier Blanchard (PIIE) and Dani Rodrik (Harvard University) and later work from attending experts.

Media contact: PIIE media relations and communications manager Michele Heller, [email protected]


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