Nathan Sheets Joining the Peterson Institute for International Economics

Washington—The Peterson Institute for International Economics is pleased to welcome the Honorable Nathan Sheets as a visiting fellow starting in February 2017. Dr. Sheets has spent his career in a variety of leadership roles, representing the US government in its most important bilateral and G-20 relationships, most recently as under secretary of the Treasury for international affairs.

“In his career, Nathan has combined analytical depth and practical policy guidance in an objective way that has been a model for economists in public service, not just in the United States, but around the world,” said Adam S. Posen, president of the Peterson Institute. “His accomplishments in the most senior international roles at the Federal Reserve and at the Treasury contributed to the recovery of the global economy from the financial crisis, as well as to constructive US engagement with China and other G-20 partners in pursuit of financial stability since. Nathan will further strengthen the Institute’s capability to give reasoned relevant policy advice to central banks and finance ministers worldwide.”

Before his tenure at the US Treasury, Sheets was global head of international economics at Citigroup. In that role, he provided economic and financial insights to the firm’s institutional clients around the world and helped lead Citi’s team of economists. Sheets worked at the Federal Reserve Board for 18 years in a variety of positions. Between 2007 to 2011, he served as director of the Board’s Division of International Finance, and as one of the three economists to the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). In that role, he advised the FOMC on macroeconomic and financial developments in foreign economies, the outlook for US trade, the dollar, and global commodity prices. He also played a key role in operating and extending the Fed’s swap line program with other central banks during the financial crisis.

"I am excited about the opportunity to interact with—and learn from—the great team of economists at the Peterson Institute,” said Nathan Sheets. “The very best economic thinking combines deep analytics with practical awareness of real-world challenges.  Nowhere does this happen in a more a sophisticated and intensive way than at the Institute.  It is an honor to be part of this extraordinary team."

Sheets has published research in a variety of academic journals including the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of International Economics, and Review of International Economics. He earned his bachelor's degree in economics from Brigham Young University and his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


About PIIE

The Peterson Institute for International Economics is a private nonpartisan, nonprofit institution for rigorous, intellectually open, and in-depth study and discussion of international economic policy. Its purpose is to identify and analyze important issues to make globalization beneficial and sustainable for the people of the United States and the world, and then to develop and communicate practical new approaches for dealing with them. Its work is funded by a highly diverse group of philanthropic foundations, private corporations, and interested individuals, as well as by income on its capital fund. About 35 percent of the Institute's resources in its latest fiscal year were provided by contributors from outside the United States. View a list of all financial supporters to view a list of all financial supporters.


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