Event Summary
The Peterson Institute held an event on sports and globalization on December 4, 2015, to discuss research that demonstrates how inclusion allows individual excellence to come through, with positive spillovers in society. The Institute's executive vice president Marcus Noland will present his work on how doping through the years affected medal counts in the Olympic Games. Robert Z. Lawrence, Institute nonresident senior fellow, will discuss how sports superstars reflect the huge rewards of globalization; Tyler Moran, research analyst at the Institute, will discuss his research (joint with Barbara Kotschwar) on women in leadership in sports; and Matt Andrews, associate professor of public policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, will share his insights on what the football super-clubs of Europe show about economic development. Together, these strands demonstrate how inclusion allows individual excellence to come through, with positive spillovers in society.
Marcus Noland has been associated with the Institute since 1985. He is also senior fellow at the East-West Center and was previously a senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers in the Executive Office of the President of the United States. He has held research or teaching positions at Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Southern California, Tokyo University, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Japan), the University of Ghana, and the Korea Development Institute. His books include Korea after Kim Jong-il (2004), Avoiding the Apocalypse: The Future of the Two Koreas (2000), and (with Cullen Hendrix) Confronting the Curse: The Economics and Geopolitics of Natural Resource Governance (2014).
Robert Z. Lawrence, nonresident senior fellow since 2001, is the Albert L. Williams Professor of Trade and Investment at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He was appointed by President Clinton to serve as a member of his Council of Economic Advisers in 1999. Previously, he held the New Century Chair as a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and founded and edited the Brookings Trade Forum. He has served as a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. His latest book for the Institute is Rising Tide: Is Growth in Emerging Economies Good for the United States? (with Lawrence Edwards).
Matt Andrews is associate professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and a widely cited commentator on governance in development. Previously, he worked as a public sector specialist with the World Bank in Europe and Central Asia. His research focuses on public sector reform, particularly budgeting and financial management reform, and participatory governance in developing and transitional governments.
The Institute thanks EY for its support of this event and the underlying research.
Event Materials
Policy Brief 15-22: Pitching a Level Playing Field: Women and Leadership in Sports
Barbara Kotschwar and Tyler Moran
December 2015
RealTime Economic Issues Watch: Athletes and CEOs: What Do Their Earnings Tell Us about the Income (and Taxation) of the Super Rich?
Robert Z. Lawrence
August 7, 2015
Paper: Being Special: The Rise of Super Clubs in European Football
Matt Andrews
January 2015
Matt Andrews [pdf]
Barbara Kotschwar, Tyler Moran, and Marcus Noland [pdf]
Robert Z. Lawrence [pdf]
Marcus Noland [pdf]