Spain, a Land of Opportunities


April 12, 2013, 12:00 AM EDT
Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC

Event Summary

The Peterson Institute presented the paper "Spain, a Land of Opportunities" by the Consejo Empresarial para la Competitividad (Spain's Business Competitiveness Council) at an event led by PIIE Senior Fellow Ángel Ubide on April 12, 2013.  Ubide discussed the development of Spain's competitiveness and potential economic recovery in the context of the euro area crisis.

The members of the CEC, a think tank created in 2011, include the presidents of 15 major Spanish companies and the El Instituto de Empresa Familiar (Spain's Family Firm Institute).  The CEC translates the experience of these large multinational firms into policy proposals that are geared to raising the competitiveness of and international confidence in the Spanish economy.

Ángel Ubide, also director of global economics at D.E. Shaw, is an expert on central banking, European affairs, and financial and macroeconomic policy.  Ubide is a frequent contributor to the Spanish media, currently as an economic columnist at El Pais, the leading Spanish newspaper, and has also been published or cited in leading financial newspapers, including the Economist, Financial Times, and Wall Street Journal.  His recent work has focused on the dynamics of the global financial crisis, the evolution of global imbalances, and the reform of the international financial architecture.

Event Materials

Spain, a Land of Opportunities
Report [PDF] | Presentation [PDF]
Consejo Empresarial para la Competitividad
