Event Summary
The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), Moody's Investors Service, and the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) held the conference "Multilateral Development Banks and Asian Investment: Room for More?" on September 30, 2015, at the Institute. Adam Posen, PIIE; Domenico Lombardi, CIGI; and Anne Van Praagh, Moody’s, provided introductory remarks. The first panel, "Infrastructure Needs and the New Silk Road," included participants Andrew Davison from Moody’s and Simeon Djankov from PIIE. Steven Hess from Moody’s Investors Service led off the second panel on Moody's report, "Where Do Multilateral Development Banks Spend Their Money?" with Adam Posen and Hongying Wang, CIGI, joining him in the discussion. Simon Johnson concluded the conference with his speech "Making the Global Economic Rules for the 21st Century."
Event Materials
Agenda [pdf]
Presentations: Andrew Davison [pdf] | Steven Hess [pdf] | Hongying Wang [pdf]