How can the WTO be revitalized?


September 13, 2023, 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM EDT
Virtual Event
Cecilia Malmström (PIIE), Usha Chandnee Dwarka-Canabady (Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mauritius to the United Nations Office and WTO in Geneva) and Alan Wm. Wolff (PIIE)

Event Summary

The World Trade Organization (WTO) will hold its next ministerial conference in February 2024. The last one in June 2022 saw some small progress, but what has happened since then? What can be expected from this conference and what could be a realistic reform agenda? How can the WTO be revitalized as a real multilateral forum?

This episode was broadcast live from the WTO Public Forum 2023 in Geneva.


Cecilia Malmström
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)


Ambassador Usha Chandnee Dwarka-Canabady
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mauritius to the United Nations Office and WTO in Geneva

Petros C. Mavroidis
Edwin B. Parker Professor at Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia Law School

Alan Wm. Wolff
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, PIIE



About This Series

Trade Winds explores the future of international trade—the challenges, possibilities, and where international efforts are headed—in a monthly virtual event series hosted by Cecilia Malmström. Join the discussion to learn from global policymakers, practitioners, business leaders from different sectors, experts, and more.