Event Summary
Leszek Balcerowicz, the former Minister of Finance and Central Bank Governor of Poland, discussed the European Union's efforts to resolve Europe's debt problems at an event cosponsored by the Peterson Institute and the Embassy of Poland on December 6, 2010. He also commented on the permanent crisis resolution mechanism scheduled for discussion at the next EU Council meeting on December 16–17. Jacob Funk Kirkegaard and Angel Ubide led the discussion following Balcerowicz's speech.
Professor Balcerowicz led the Polish economic reforms after the fall of communism and is widely viewed as one of the most successful reformers in the transition economies and indeed throughout the world. He served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in the initial Solidarity government and again during 1997–2000, and returned to public service as President of the National Bank of Poland in 2001–07. He is now Professor of Economics at the Warsaw School of Economics. Professor Balcerowicz is a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute.
Event Materials
Working Paper 10-18: Sovereign Bankruptcy in the EU in the Comparative Perspective
Leszek Balcerowicz
December 6, 2010
Policy Brief 10-25: Will It Be Brussels, Berlin, or Financial Markets that Check Moral Hazard in Europe's Bailout Union? Most Likely the Latter!
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
October 2010
Policy Brief 10-14: In Defense of Europe's Grand Bargain
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
June 2010
Interview: Time for "Plan B" in Europe?
Edwin M. Truman
November 30, 2010
Interview: The Eurozone: Can't Live Within It, Can't Live Without It
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
November 30, 2010
Interview: Is the European Market Turmoil Self-Inflicted?
Nicolas Véron
November 15, 2010
RealTime: Why It Is Still Possible to Be Bullish on Europe
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
December 2, 2010
RealTime: Why Europe Can Cope with Its Latest Crisis
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
November 24, 2010
RealTime: European Pressure to Increase the Irish Corporate Tax Is Deeply Misguided
C. Randall Henning
November 19, 2010
RealTime: The To-Do List in Ireland
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard
November 19, 2010
RealTime: The Debt Problems of the European Periphery
Anders Åslund, Peter Boone, and Simon Johnson
November 17, 2010