Event Summary
The Peterson Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released their new copublished book China's Rise: Challenges and Opportunities at an Institute meeting held November 24, 2008. C. Fred Bergsten, Nicholas R. Lardy, Trevor Houser, Derek Mitchell, and Charles Freeman spoke at the meeting on central aspects of China's world role and the political and economic relationship between China and the United States. Bergsten focused on China's evolving role in the world economy; Lardy on the outlook for the Chinese economy, taking into account the financial crisis and China's latest stimulus efforts; Trevor Houser on energy and environmental issues; Derek Mitchell on China's foreign policy; and Charles Freeman on the political context.
The event is part of the China Balance Sheet project, which has been conducted by the Peterson Institute and CSIS over the last three years. The initial product, China The Balance Sheet: What the World Needs to Know Now about the Emerging Superpower was released in 2006. It was followed by a compendium of papers, The China Balance Sheet in 2007 and Beyond, prepared by the authors of the first book and several invited experts. The new volume aims to identify the most important future areas of challenges and potential cooperation in US-China relations.
Event Materials
Book: China's Rise: Challenges and Opportunities
Presentation: Sustaining Economic Growth in China [pdf]
Nicholas R. Lardy
Presentation: China's Rise: Challenges and Opportunities [pdf, 1.4 MB]
Trevor Houser
Event Summary [pdf]