Event Summary
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been instrumental to China's trade rise, providing a framework for greater certainty, stability, and increased market openness. China has become, in its own right, an active and influential player in the organization. But the WTO is facing an existential crisis. Where does China stand on the WTO's state of play? How does China view WTO reform and how could it contribute to strengthen global trade cooperation? Is China ready to help save the WTO? Joining this episode of Trade Winds were:
Anabel González, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
• Ambassador Zhang Xiangchen, China's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the WTO
• Chad P. Bown, Senior Fellow, PIIE
Event Materials
Presentation: Chad P. Bown (721.45 KB)
About This Series
Trade Winds explores the future of international trade—the challenges, possibilities, and where international efforts are headed—in a monthly virtual event series hosted by Cecilia Malmström. Join the discussion to learn from global policymakers, practitioners, business leaders from different sectors, experts, and more.