Event Summary
In the early 2010s, under the leadership of its then chair Stefan Ingves, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision initiated a program of assessment of the consistency of individual jurisdictions' prudential regulation with its own standards. This session of Financial Statements focuses on the experience of this program, which has been innovative for a global financial standard-setter, and on the outlook for its future iterations.
Joining this episode of Financial Statements are:
Nicolas Véron
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
Stefan Ingves
Chair, Toronto Centre
Patrick Honohan
Nonresident Senior Fellow, PIIE
Event Materials
Presentation: Stefan Ingves (739.18 KB)
About This Series
Financial Statements is a biweekly virtual event series hosted by Nicolas Véron that explores changes in the world of finance, encompassing themes of financial services regulation, corporate finance and governance, systemic fragility and crises, and structural changes driving business and policy trends in the financial sector.