Global Competition Policy
edited by J. David Richardson (PIIE) and Edward M. Graham (PIIE)
Book Description
There is growing consensus among international trade negotiators and policymakers that a prime area for future multilateral discussion is competition policy. Competition policy includes antitrust policy (including merger regulation and control) but is often extended to include international trade measures and other policies that affect the structure, conduct, and performance of individual industries. This study includes country studies of competition policy in Western Europe, North America, and the Far East (with a focus on Japan) in the light of increasingly globalized activities of business firms. Areas where there are major differences in philosophy, policy, or practice are identified, with emphasis on those differences that could lead to economic costs and international friction. Alternatives for eliminating these costs and frictions are discussed, including unilateral policy changes, bilateral or multilateral harmonization of policies, and creation of new international regimes to supplement or replace national or regional regimes. A succinct monograph Competition Policies for the Global Economy outlining major conclusions and proposals has been released along with this more comprehensive volume.
I. Introduction
II. Country Studies
2. Canada
4. Germany
5. The Antimonopoly Law of Japan
8. Competition Policy and Trade Policy in the European Union
III. Issue Studies
9. Competition in Japan and the West: Can the Approaches be Reconciled?
10. US and EU Competition Law: A Comparison
11. Harmonizing Antitrust: The Less Effective Way to Promote Intellectual Competition
13 Using Antitrust Principals to Reform Antidumping Law
15. VERs, VIEs, and Global Competition
16. Keiretsu, Competition, and Market Access
IV. Conclusions
17. Conclusions and Recommendations