New Imagery Analysis on North Korean Prison Camp No. 25

Kent Boydston (PIIE)



The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea and AllSource Analysis have recently released a new report on North Korean Prison Camp Number 25 (a.k.a. Kwan-li-so No. 25), the third report that HRNK has done on the camp. (Full disclosure: Marc Noland is on the HRNK Board.)

North Korea’s expansive prison camp network was a significant focus of the 2014 Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea. The authors of the report, Joseph Bermudez Jr., Andy Dinville, and Mike Eley have released a series of in-depth imagery analysis through HRNK on these prison camps. (The previous two reports on Camp No. 25 can be found here and here, and other recent reports from the trio can be found here.)

The collaborative work tracks the expansion of the political Prison Camp Number 25 tracking satellite imagery dating back to 1970. As other reports have attested the camp expanded between 2009 and 2010 by 72 percent and there are now an estimated 5,000 prisoners at the camp. One of the major findings of the report is the extent to which the imagery suggests that Kim Jong-un uses prison labor for agriculture and light industry.

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