Anna Borshchevskaya
Anna Borshchevskaya was a research analyst at the Peterson Institute 2009-10 and worked with Senior Fellow Anders Åslund. Her areas of research are Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe. Her past positions include program coordinator of the American Foreign Policy Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), chaired by Professor Michael Mandelbaum, and research assistant to Professor Fouad Ajami, director of the Middle East Studies program at SAIS, and to Professor Ruth Wedgwood, director of the International Law program at SAIS. She also worked for the Swiss Foundation for World Affairs and the International Organization for Migration and interned at the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva and at the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security. She served as an election observer in the Bangladeshi parliamentary elections from December 2008 to January 2009. She is also a Merage Fellowship recipient (fall 2008).
Her recent publications are "Engaging with the Enemy" (, December 14, 2009), "Mocking Civil Society" (National Review Online, November 11, 2009), "Putin the Historian" ( September 3, 2009), and "Russia's Non-Democracy" (PostGlobal,, April 20, 2009).
She earned a BA in political science, with an economics minor, and international relations, with a global political economy concentration, from the State University of New York at Geneseo and her MA degree from SAIS.