Xi Jinping's economic model and the future of globalization


September 23, 2022, 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM EDT
PIIE Webcast, Washington, DC
Mary E. Lovely (PIIE), Martin Chorzempa (PIIE), Margaret Pearson (University of Maryland), Nicholas R. Lardy (PIIE), Tianlei Huang (PIIE) and Yeling Tan (PIIE)

Event Summary

As China’s President Xi Jinping approaches his expected third term, he faces growing international resistance to his intensification of state control over domestic firms and markets. An expert panel discussed the feedback between these external tensions and China's domestic political climate, Beijing’s regulation of Big Tech, the implications for strategic competition with the United States, and whether the evolution of China’s development model will prompt a reorganization of international trade and investment rules.

The event began with presentations followed by a panel discussion.

Moderator: Mary E. Lovely, Anthony M. Solomon Senior Fellow, PIIE

Yeling Tan, Nonresident Senior Fellow, PIIE
China’s Development Models in an Era of Global Disruption

Martin Chorzempa, Senior Fellow, PIIE
Building or Destroying Value?: China Moves to Regulate Big Tech

Margaret Pearson, Dr. Horace V. and Wilma E. Harrison Distinguished Professor and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher in the Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland
China's Political Economy and International Backlash


Nicholas Lardy, Nonresident Senior Fellow, PIIE

Tianlei Huang, Research Fellow, PIIE


No registration is required.
