Event Summary
The Peterson Institute announced the launch of its major new India program at a meeting on September 25, 2007, with Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, who spoke on "India's Economic Growth and Outlook." Minister Chidambaram, along with current Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, has been one of the key architects of economic reforms in India and the reformist face of this and previous governments led by the Congress party, of which he is a prominent member. He was previously Minister for Commerce (1991–92 and 1995–96) and Finance Minister (1996–98) during an earlier period.
Mr. Chidambaram has degrees from the University of Chennai and Harvard University and is considered one of India's most brilliant lawyers and eloquent speakers. Following his talk, Minister Chidambaram responded to questions from the audience on Indian economic performance and India's emerging role in the world economy. The meeting ended with a reception for the minister and the audience.
Minister Chidambaram's speech is the first of many conversations and discussions that the Institute will be hosting on India, one of the rising new economic powers in the world economy. For more information regarding the Institute's India program, please see the news release.
Event Materials
Speech: India’s Economic Growth and Outlook
Palaniappan Chidambaram, Finance Minister of India
News Release: Peterson Institute for International Economics Launches Major New India Program [pdf]
September 25, 2007