Encouraging a Manufacturing Renaissance through Transatlantic Trade and Investment


May 1, 2014, 12:00 AM EDT
Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC
Carlo Calenda (Deputy Minister for Economic Development of Italy), Emma Marcegaglia (President of BUSINESSEUROPE), Caroline Freund (PIIE) and Jeffrey J. Schott (PIIE)

Event Summary

The Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Embassy of Italy cohosted a symposium on May 1, 2014, on "Encouraging a Manufacturing Renaissance through Transatlantic Trade and Investment." The discussion focused on how a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will affect companies' offshoring and outsourcing strategies and whether a TTIP agreement might strengthen manufacturing on both sides of the Atlantic.

Speakers included Carlo Calenda, Italy's deputy minister for economic development, and Emma Marcegaglia, president of BUSINESSEUROPE. From the Peterson Institute, Caroline Freund will discuss global supply chains and manufacturing trade, and Jeffrey J. Schott will address how TTIP negotiations will deal with manufacturing provisions.

Event Materials

Agenda [pdf]

Prepared Remarks: Carlo Calenda [pdf]

Carlo Calenda [pdf]
Caroline Freund [pdf]
Jeffrey J. Schott [pdf]
Shane Karr [pdf]
