Easy Money, Uneasy Finance: On the Relationship between Monetary Policy and Financial Stability


September 24, 2018, 12:45 PM to 1:15 PM EDT
PIIE Webcast, Washington, DC

Klaas Knot (De Nederlandsche Bank)

Event Summary

Klaas Knot, president of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), discussed the vulnerabilities in the global financial system and the importance of financial stability for the conduct of monetary policy, on September 24, 2018, at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Klaas Knot has been president of the Netherlands’ central bank, DNB, since July 2011. He holds seats on the Governing Council and General Council of the European Central Bank, as well as on the Financial Stability Board, and is a governor of the International Monetary Fund. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements, as well as chairman of the Koning Willem I Foundation, the Mr. N.G. Pierson Foundation, and the supervisory boards of the Teylers Museum and Stichting CliniClowns.
