Event Summary
Changyong Rhee of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) spoke at the Peterson Institute, September 22, 2011, about the economic performance of the Asia and Pacific region as assessed by the ADB's Asian Development Outlook 2011 Update. The ADB publication concludes that developing Asia's recovery is consolidating, following the momentum of a strong rebound in 2010, though external factors, such as the ongoing tensions in the euro area's sovereign debt market, weigh on the outlook. Managing inflation is also still one of the immediate challenges that policymakers face in the region. Rhee also presented key findings from the report's theme chapter on demographic transition, which emphasizes demographic heterogeneity across the region and the different policies that will best position countries to respond to these changes.
Changyong Rhee, the chief economist and head of the economics and research department of the Asian Development Bank, was chief sherpa and Secretary General of the Korean Presidential Committee for the G-20 Summit in 2010. He was previously Professor of Economics at Seoul National University and earned his PhD in economics from Harvard in 1989.
Event Materials
Presentation: Developing Asia: Sustaining Recovery and Meeting the Challenges of Demographic Transition [PDF]
Changyong Rhee
September 22, 2011