Cline Discusses Global Warming and Agriculture


December 13, 2007, 3:00 AM EST
InfoShop at the World Bank, Washington, DC

Event Summary

The Peterson Institute and the InfoShop at the World Bank held a discussion meeting at which William R. Cline discussed his conclusions in his latest book, Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country.

William Cline asserts that developing countries have more at risk than industrial countries as global warming worsens. Using general circulation and agricultural impact models, Cline boldly examines 2070–99 to forecast the effects of global warming and its economic impact. This detailed study outlines existing studies on the agricultural impact of climate change; estimates projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and agricultural capacity; and concludes with policy recommendations.

Event Materials

Book: Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country
by William R. Cline
July 2007

Presentation: Global Warming and Agriculture

William R. Cline, Peterson Institute

News Release: World Agriculture Faces Serious Decline from Global Warming [pdf]
September 12, 2007

About William R. Cline

William R. Cline is senior fellow jointly at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Center for Global Development in Washington, DC. During 1996–2001, Mr. Cline was deputy managing director and chief economist at the Institute of International Finance. Mr. Cline was a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution; deputy director of development and trade research, office of the assistant secretary for international affairs, US Treasury Department; Ford Foundation visiting professor in Brazil; and lecturer and assistant professor of economics at Princeton University. He is the author of 22 books, including The United States as a Debtor Nation (2005), Trade Policy and Global Poverty (2004), Trade and Income Distribution (1997), International Debt Reexamined (1995), and The Economics of Global Warming (1992), which was selected by Choice for its 1993 "Outstanding Academic Books" list and the winner of the Harold and Margaret Sprout Prize for best book on International Environmental Affairs, awarded by the International Studies Association.