Event Summary
The Institute released a major new book, The Arab Economies in a Changing World, by Marcus Noland and Howard Pack, at a meeting on June 12, 2007. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the recent economic performance of that part of the world, assesses the challenges it now faces, and recommends a series of policy changes to improve the outlook. The issue has important political and security, as well as economic, implications and the authors address those topics as well. The book pays special attention to the role of Islam in the economics of the region.
Coauthor Marcus Noland, senior fellow, has been associated with the Institute since 1985 and has written widely on international economics and economic development, with particular focus on Asia. He spent a year as a senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers and has taught in Japan, Korea, and Ghana as well as leading US universities. Dr. Pack has been a professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania since 1986 and has written widely on development in both Asia and the Middle East. He has been an active consultant to the World Bank and many other international development agencies.
Event Materials
Book: Arab Economies in a Changing World
June 2007
News Release: Arab Economies Face Massive Bulge in Labor Force and Require Renewed Globalization to Respond [pdf]
June 12, 2007