The World Trading System: Challenges Ahead
edited by Jeffrey J. Schott (PIIE)
Book Description
Trade experts from around the world discuss challenges confronting the World Trade Organization (WTO) as it charts its course for the years ahead. The authors offer recommendations to deal with important issues such as investment, competition and antidumping policy, environment and trade, labor standards, and Chinese accession to the WTO. Analysis of the implementation of the Uruguay Round accords, the breadth and scope of remaining barriers to trade that could be the subject of new liberalization efforts, the compatibility or inconsistency of regional and multilateral initiatives, and the political support in major trading countries for new WTO negotiations are also discussed. The overview and conclusions also appear in a separate monograph by Jeffrey J. Schott.
I. Introduction
1. Challenges Facing the World Trade Organization
II. Revisiting Residual Protection Rules on Regionalism
2. Surveying the Costs of Protection: A Partial Equilibrium Approach
3. Regionalism and the WTO: Should the Rules Be Changed?
III. Environment and Social Issues
5. International Labor Standards and World Trade: Friends or Foes?
IV. Political Support for Trade Liberalization
6. American Trade Politics in the Wake of the Uruguay Round
7. The Dog That Failed to Bark: The Climate for Trade Policy in the European Union
8. Political Economy of Trade Liberalization in East Asia
V. WTO Institutional Issues
9. The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures: A Preliminary Appraisal
10. Accession to the WTO: Key Strategic Issues
VI. Unfinished Business and New Challenges
11. Advancing Services Negotiations
12. Direct Investment and the Future Agenda of the World Trade Organization
13. Competition Policy and Antidumping Reform: An Excercise in Transition
VII. Global Free Trade
VIII. Conclusions