Russia after the Global Economic Crisis
edited by Anders Åslund (PIIE), Sergei Guriev (New Economic School, Moscow) and Andrew Kuchins (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
Book Description
Russia after the Global Economic Crisis examines this important country after the financial crisis of 2007–09. The second book from The Russia Balance Sheet Project, a collaboration of two of the world's preeminent research institutions, the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), not only assesses Russia's international and domestic policy challenges but also provides an all-encompassing review of this important country's foreign and domestic issues. The authors consider foreign policy, Russia and it neighbors, climate change, Russia's role in the world, domestic politics, and corruption.
Editorial Reviews
These excellent essays by major Russian and Western scholars on Russia's key political and economic developments are vital reading for anybody who wants to understand Russia's current dilemma. Carl Bildt, minister for foreign affairs of Sweden
A delicate subject treated with genuine strategic sobriety—Russia after the Global Economic Crisis is deserving of serious reflection. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former US national security adviser
The book is a great example of a partnership between Russian and American experts. It provides a comprehensive and an independent view on Russia's mid-term and long-term challenges. While the book's conclusions are often controversial, it is a must read for everybody interested in the future of Russia. Arkady Dvorkovich, aide to the President of the Russian Federation
Russia after the Global Financial Crisis, a brilliant sequel to the highly acclaimed The Russia Balance Sheet, first cogently assesses Russia's current structural and policy shortcomings brought into sharp focus by the economic crisis and then astutely sets forth tough choices Russia must make to avoid future stagnation and alienation. Carla A. Hills, chair and CEO, Hills & Company
This is a major contribution for those who seek real modernization of Russia. The authors refute the notion of Russian exceptionalism, arguing soberly that Russia faces major challenges in economic, social, and foreign policy, which require careful study of the historical experiences of many countries. The current 'reset' in relations between Russia and the West improves the chances for success, but Russia has to make the critical choices. Yevgeny Yasin, academic director, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The book is well written and uses very recent data, making it one of the best single sources of information about current economic conditions in Russia.... Highly recommended. Choice
These excellent essays by major Russian and Western scholars on Russia's key political and economic developments are vital reading for anybody who wants to understand Russia's current dilemma. Carl Bildt, minister for foreign affairs of Sweden
Chapters are provided for preview only.
1. Challenges Facing the Russian Economy after the Crisis
Sergei Guriev and Aleh Tsyvinski
2. Russian Politics in a Time of Economic Turmoil
Daniel Treisman
3. Federalism in Russia
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
4. Corruption and Rule of Law
Timothy Frye
5. Role of High-Technology Industries
Keith Crane and Artur Usanov
6. Climate Change and Role of Energy Efficiency
Samuel Charap and Georgi V. Safonov
7. Gazprom: Challenged Giant in Need of Reform
Anders Åslund
8. Military Reform against Heavy Odds
Pavel K. Baev
9. Russian Foreign Policy: Modernization or Marginalization?
Dmitri Trenin
10. Foreign Economic Policy at a Crossroads
David G. Tarr and Natalya Volchkova
11. The Post-Soviet Space: An Obituary
Anders Åslund
12. US-Russia Relations: Constraints of Mismatched Strategic Outlooks
Andrew C. Kuchins
13. Russia's Course: Viable in the Short Term but Unsustainable in the Long Term
Anders Åslund, Sergei Guriev, and Andrew C. Kuchins
About the Contributors
About the Organizations
The Russia Balance Sheet Advisory Committee