Economic Sanctions Reconsidered, 3rd Edition (paper)
Book Description
Economic sanctions continue to play an important role in the response to terrorism, nuclear proliferation, military conflicts, and other foreign policy crises. But poor design and implementation of sanctions policies often mean that they fall short of their desired effects. This landmark study, first published in 1985, delves into the rich experience of sanctions in the 20th century to harvest lessons on how to use sanctions more effectively. This volume—now conveniently available in a paperback format—is the updated third edition of this widely cited study. The authors' unique database on sanctions now covers almost 200 case studies.
Selected case studies are available online.
Customers purchasing this book will not receive the CD-ROM. The Book/CD-ROM package is a separate product (ISBN 978-0-88132-408-2).
The CD-ROM is not sold separately.
Selected chapters and sections are provided for preview only.
1. Introduction
2. Analyzing the Utility of Sanctions
3. Political Variables
4. Economic Variables
5. Sanctions after the Cold War
6. Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C Bibliography
About the Authors