Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Assessment
edited by Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs (PIIE) and Jeffrey J. Schott (PIIE)
Book Description
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) between 12 Pacific Rim countries has generated the most intensive political debate about the role of trade in the United States in a generation. The TPP is one of the broadest and most progressive free trade agreements since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The essays in this Policy Analysis provide estimates of the TPP's benefits and costs and analyze more than 20 issues in the agreement, including environmental and labor standards, tariff schedules, investment and competition policy, intellectual property, ecommerce, services and financial services, government procurement, dispute settlement, and agriculture. Through extensive analysis of the TPP text, PIIE scholars present an indispensable and detailed "reader's guide" that also sheds light on the agreement's merits and shortcomings.
Editorial Reviews
Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Assessment offers a timely examination of a pivotal modern political and economic issue, and is highly recommended especially for public and college library Economic Studies shelves. Midwest Book Review
Data Disclosure:
Chapter 1: The quantitative material from the TPP model developed by Peter Petri and Michael Plummer, including detailed results, data and methodologies for computing elements of the model, are available at asiapacifictrade.org.
Chapter 2: Publicly available data are drawn from the Current Population Survey (Bureau of Labor Statistics/Census Bureau) Public Use Microdata, the Consumer Expenditure Survey Public Use Microdata (Bureau of Labor Statistics), and the National Income and Product Accounts (Bureau of Economic Analysis).
Chapters 3–6, 10, and 11: Download underlying data [91.5 MB zip file]
Trade Deals Aren't For What You Think They Are For
Adam S. Posen
Overview: Understanding the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Jeffrey J. Schott
1 The Economic Effects of the TPP: New Estimates
Peter A. Petri and Michael G. Plummer
2 Adjustment and Income Distribution Impacts of the TPP
Robert Z. Lawrence and Tyler Moran
3 Tariff Liberalization
Caroline Freund, Tyler Moran, and Sarah Oliver
4 Agriculture
Cullen Hendrix and Barbara Kotschwar
5 Auto Sector Liberalization
Sarah Oliver
6 Rules of Origin in Textiles and Apparel
Kimberly Ann Elliott
7 Government Procurement
Tyler Moran
8 Liberalization of Services Trade
Gary Clyde Hufbauer
9 Financial Services
Anna Gelpern
10 Provisions on Investment
Theodore H. Moran and Lindsay Oldenski
11 Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Gary Clyde Hufbauer
12 Dispute Settlement Mechanism
Jennifer Hillman
13 TPP and the Conflict over Drugs: Incentives for Innovation versus Access to Medicines
Lee Branstetter
14 TPP and the Environment
Jeffrey J. Schott
15 Labor Standards in the TPP
Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs
16 Other New Areas: Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation, Anticorruption, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, and More
Caroline Freund
17 TPP and Digital Trade
Lee Branstetter
18 Competition Policy
R. Michael Gadbaw
19 Commitments on State-Owned Enterprises
Sean Miner
20 TPP and Exchange Rates
C. Fred Bergsten and Jeffrey J. Schott